>Post: Writing – Textual Documentation of WSA Study Tour 18.01.20 – 23.01.20

The textual documentation of a collegiate trip visiting Germany, Austria and Switzerland, during the period 18.01.20 – 23.01.20.

In part, a reaction to the often reductive sharing of architectural works through social platforms and via image only. In part, an enforced distancing from the smart phone – as a result of its malfunction – and the positive, natural shift back to what could be described as a ‘first eye’ experience and the improved visceral (and learned) reading of architecture.

It serves as refreshing antidote to the ‘second eye’ viewing many of us now experience – i.e *through* our smart phones; and ‘life through a lens’.

Click here for higher resolution document.

Carl Trenfield 30.01.20.

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