>A036 Barons Court

The significant reframing of a purpose-built Regency residence in Barons Court, London, UK.

Themes currently being explored look at a precise, almost literal display of subtraction and counterpart of careful addition, coupled with a studied observation of existing devices and how these might inform the new.

The scheme inherits both Client and site team from the highly celebrated Dartmouth Row, and although greatly smaller in scope, promises to showcase the benefit loved environments can have on its inhabitants — almost as if the craft becomes a material in and of itself.

The project also featured in a talk by the studio entitled ‘Retrofit and the Romantic’ shown first at UCA & The Canterbury School of Architecture.

Works are underway with full text and documentation to follow.

Barons Court, London, UK
2021 —
Under Construction
Carl Trenfield
Site Team Alongside Carl Trenfield: Adam Stevenson. Mark Dawson. Jalen Scarlett. JaMaine Dowden.